Sunday, September 19, 2010

Last Name Love

So, I know I am kind of behind on this one, but I have been meaning to post on this topic for over a month... Pamela Love. I occasionally find myself, whilst trying to study, absent-mindedly day dreaming of owning a piece from her spring 2010 collection.

Always a skull lover, I was turned on to Pamela Love when I came across a necklace of hers on a blog. I immediately typed her name into google and found a screen full of drool-worthy pieces. The jagged stones, the talon rings, the crosses, and of course, the skulls, it was the most beautiful jewelry I had ever seen. But alas, as I glance down at the 5 dollar arrowhead necklace I picked up from goodwill the other week, the only thought that goes through my head is: if only I could afford it...